Serious pregnancy brain…

So this morning I wake, exhausted because I am:
a. pregnant with twins
b. without my hubby
c. sick
d. going to bed too late
e. pregnant with twins!

As I make my way to the kitchen to start the ONE cup of coffee I am allowed (shouldn’t I be allowed 2 since there are 2 babies?,) I notice there seems to be a lot of light coming from the garage. Well imagine my horror when I discovered I had slept the entire night with the garage door wide open, the door to the playroom and laundry room open! Thank God I live on base and on a quiet and safe street. Talk about a freak out. And the funny thing is, I could swear that door was shut last night when I went to bed. But unless there is some random phenomenon that makes your garage door open when you have the opener in your purse, I’m pretty sure I just forgot to check it. UGH.

In other mac family news: I am 20 weeks preggers as of yesterday and off to another ultrasound. Feeling good overall, just feeling HUGE already and I have a LONG way to go. I’m going to need a counterbalance weight just to stand up straight by the end. Maybe some ankle weights and some weighted undies will help. ๐Ÿ™‚

AND, I am currently seeking advice on cloth diapers (this does NOT include telling me I’m nuts,) as I’ve crunched the numbers and diapering 2 little butts for 3 more years is NOT in the mac family budget. I’m leaning towards Fuzzi bunz and kissaluvs with whisper wraps. ANGI & LUCIA: give me the scoop!!!!

Okay, off to the shower. Hopefully I won’t forget anything today.

p.s. pics and info from ultrasound will be forthcoming!!!!