reading is fundamental…

Okay, so this is going to be super quick since I’m wiped out!
Today, Evie was asking me about a barn shaped coca cola magnet on the fridge. After I told her it was a barn, she pointed to the word coca cola & said “that’s the name of a soda mom.” I almost peed my pants! I resisted the urge to take out an ad in Okinawa Living, but decided I could trumpet the exciting news here instead! She also recognized the words dog & go today. This is so cool! It’s just out of the blue. It’s so incredible to see the wheels turning & know how much she is taking in & learning.
Charley Chronicle: trying to roll over & playing with her feet are the obsessions of the moment. That and NEVER napping for longer than 20 minutes. UGH! I think I may have figured out that she is a bit light sensitive & needs NOISE to sleep. So, I’m trying room darkening & white noise tommorow. Stop me when I call Dr. Phil. (I swear I’m almost there. I can’t even pee without being in fear of waking her up, since her room is right next to the bathroom.)
I’m off to bed. I am TIRED!!!