
sings Max. All of a sudden, Max sings. and sings. and sings! It’s just the sweetest sound. And Mercy joins in… their sweet voices blending together… a natural harmony, a lovely cadence, a duet created in my womb that blooms a bit more each day, surprising me & delighting me.

Tonight, Sam rocked with me as they sang, watching them quietly…a bit fascinated, I think by them. Even after I snuggled him down into his bed, he lay there quietly, listening, watching, loving.
Charley needed some Mommy time at bed, which Mercy was unwilling to give…and then they just joined together to sing, pray and hold hands…
Max hunkered down on the floor, Eva reading to him. Mercy & I joined in, sprawled about on our bellies. Flashlight on, lights out, reading God’s Word in the tiniest glow of light. Snuggling close, praying softly, singing joyously.
Eva…a later bedtime…nose in a book…growing, growing, changing, just one year from double digits…
A reminder from all around that my children are the best that God has given, the gift He has laid upon Charles & I.  Amazing.