I honestly can’t say I know where to begin with the bigs and the littles. Life has been so crazy that blogging and every other form of keeping up with my family has been pitched aside. So I’ll do my best to sum it up…
Eva…What a big girl I’ve got! She is so articulate, helpful, kind and empathetic. (most of the time…) She loves to help me, adores her playtime with friends, is reading like a champ, loves gymnastics and her riding lessons and is truly and genuinely excited about the 3 biggest clan mac events on the horizon: baby five, homeschooling and moving into our very own house. She has grown up so much this year and it amazes me every day what she is capable of and how much she is willing to learn if I just take the time to teach her.
Fave things of late…
jamming to her ipod
entertaining and tickling the M-n-M’s
“directing” playtime with Charley (which usually results in screaming and MOMMMMMMM…)
hand games and rhymes (think Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack and the like. Which I STILL remember!)
Anticipating our visit up north while Daddy moves us into the new house!
And finally, counting the days until summer is here!
Talk about a 4 year old. Kristina knows what I mean…. Stubborn, tenacious, sassy, “hard of hearing” (well, selective hearing,) too smart for her own britches, enamored of her best pal Hailey…and beyond sweet with her kisses and hugs for every member of this clan. There is NO bossing this 4 year old around. Since my last Charley related post, she has figured out more of the electronics, taken to ignoring me when I speak, decided that screaming AHHHHHHHHHHHHH is the way to solve all issues and has grown like a weed. She shocked the poop out of me by demonstrating the ability to write her alphabet yesterday (without help or visual reference,) which she followed by a tantrum over the fact that I would not let her play a game on my computer. She completely and utterly adores her siblings and would be content to do nothing but play with them all day. As a matter of fact, I don’t know what I’d do without her! She keeps Max and Mercy happy so Mommy can be the slave. 🙂 She had a wonderful party with her fave people here and was overjoyed to receive many car related gifts. I gave her a boy name and apparently that comes with a vested interest in boy toys. Oh, and building blocks, puzzles and legos. Future engineer or Nascar driver?
Mercy…Ah, the littlest diva. What can you say about such a tiny little person who rules the entire roost? I’ll sum it up in just a few words….
dance baby dance!
snuggle me…please 🙂
give me kisses!
Can’t you tell I’m HUNGRY?
What do you mean I’m messy? This food doesn’t belong all over my shirt, the floor and under my butt?
oh, you were playing with that? I didn’t notice when I yanked it out of your hands. oops. 🙂
Mommy, what is that on top of your head? Here, let me grab 2 handfuls of your hair and yank your head down so I can see. Oh, and while I’m at it, let me grab your eyelashes and stick my fingers up your nose. Aren’t I cute?
And finally….
Oh, that looks dangerous. Here Max, let me figure it out and then I’ll show you too!!!!
Mighty Max
Little Linebacker
Itty Bitty Al
Super Sheepdog, ready to fly away at a moment’s notice with his hairwings.Truly, I have never seen a 1 year old boy built this way. His shoulders are ridiculous, his legs and arms are like trunks, his butt looks like he’s been doing squats since the womb, and his lips? Angelina Jolie could be jealous.
Summing it up for the man…
I don’t like that. I don’t care if I’ve eaten it before, I don’t care how long it took you to make it and I don’t care if Mercy is eating it. If it’s not sweet, fruity, perfect consistency and NOT green, I am most certainly NOT letting it past my adorable lips.
Is that soft? Can I have it? Can I throw it on the floor, then throw myself on it and then rub my sweet little face in it? Thanks!! That is my second fave thing to do.
My first fave thing is: running at full speed into the end of my crib with my head. I’ve now moved on to trying it out with walls AND putting myself in downward dog while I whack my head on the ground. Mind you, I laugh maniacally while doing these things.
I also think I am very funny when I run around like a maniac weeble wobble with my hands straight above my head.
AS a matter of FACT, I just think I am darn funny. I kill myself! I should be in a room with an audience of me clones…the laughter would NEVER stop!
If it can fit in my mouth, I WILL eat it. If I can shove the whole thing in there, even better. That lego tasted darn good and so do those puzzle pieces! Why don’t you serve THOSE for dinner, MOM?
And finally,
I love my Dad. He’s the best. AND he’s my fave person on the planet. (next to my stuffed blue dog.)
As for me? Pregnant, tired, ready to move and ready to meet five.
As for my better half? Tired, tired of me being pregnant, ready to move and ready to meet five.
For both of us? Amazed at our chaos, our family and our amazing kids. God is Good!